Budding Ideas
07785 294355
The art of good garden design is the ability to make a beautiful garden, with every part fitting harmoniously into the whole. It transforms a real plot, with all its constraints, into the owners' vision and adapts that vision into a garden that actually works.
The skill is to transform ideas into viable plans and in order to do that, professional garden designers call on an enormous store of knowledge and practical experience
All options have to be considered and possibly rejected in order to produce a workable design; every garden and its owner are unique and each and every design presents a new challenge.
Budding Ideas prides itself in rising to the challenge - our designs reflect both traditional and contemporary, everything from old-style cottage gardens to modern roof gardens.
Hand-drawn, rather than computer generated, we live our designs - time and thought is put into the creation of the garden layout and this is reflected in the end result......
... the right garden for each individual.